Tuesday, May 17, 2011

@killerbreadman offers advice to drug court graduates

It took 15 years behind bars before “knucklehead” David Dahl wised up, kicked an illicit drug habit and turned his life around.

Monday afternoon, the founder of the nationally acclaimed Dave’s Killer Bread, based in Portland, told five graduates of the Linn County Drug Court that he hoped they would find “humility” to ask for help and to change their lives. Graduates were Renee Headington, Cody Miller and Justin Denherder, all of Albany; Chris Baunach, Harrisburg, and Kevin McFarlin, Lebanon.

Dahl said his troubles started as a teen with resentment of his hardworking father, who developed a successful specialty bread business from scratch. Dahl eventually sold “lots of dope” and did collections for other drug dealers. He served time for burglary, armed robbery and assault in Oregon and Massachusetts prisons.

Dahl said he “hit bottom” in prison and realized he was going to die if things didn’t change. He was 37 and had spent the majority of his life as a drug addict and criminal. Read More

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