Thursday, February 03, 2011

ITA Software undertakes puzzling recruitment drive w/ #QR code

You are a technical engineer, consultant or operations person and you happen to be riding the Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority Red Line in Boston or Cambridge, Mass., when a QR Code with no other identifying information appears in a print advertisement above your head.

Well, 30,521 geeks have used QR scanning apps on their smartphones since Jan. 10 to see what the secretive QR code was all about, and many began a multi-step cyber hunt engineered by ITA Software as it tries to recruit crack technical staff who can crack the code and figure out what was going on. Read More

1 comment:

Tyler said...

2011 will be the year of the QR Code! Next time you create a QR Code try It is designed for businesses to promote their social networks with QR Codes. You can also create coupons that are sharable on Twitter and Facebook.