Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Gov 2.0: #QR-Codes: How small town Manor, Texas is changing government with barcodes

The immediate application I saw for QR-codes was a method of document management for smaller agencies. Since my department’s budget is less than $100,000 a year, I did not have the funds to purchase an industry-standard document management system. Instead, I identified QR-codes as a great way to “tag” boxes with information that could be decoded with a cell phone, instead of purchasing expensive software and an industry-grade barcode scanner. After working on a document management system, the City Manager and I quickly realized that the QR-code model could be applied to just about every aspect of local government operations, including economic development. As a result, on March 29, 2008, we launched our first public QR-code campaign that consisted of 15 fixed-mounted QR-code signs placed throughout our community.

These signs were placed in front of city buildings, historic structures and other sites of interest throughout our community. Read More

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