Thursday, January 19, 2012

Esquire Uses Clinton to Lead Print Readers to Video -

Mr. Clinton, who graces the magazine’s print cover, will also greet readers who scan a quick response or QR code on the cover of the issue with a video message.

“Hi. I’m Bill Clinton,” he says. “Welcome to Esquire and to the edition on things we can all agree on. Our economy is in a tough spot right now. We just have to remember we are all in this together. And if we’re going to build a better future, we have to do it, together.”

Past issues of Esquire, owned by Hearst, have included iPad-only video greetings from cover subjects like Justin Timberlake. To allow non-iPad toting readers to get a taste of Mr. Clinton, Esquire editors used a QR code that can be scanned by any smartphone.

Esquire Uses Clinton to Lead Print Readers to Video -

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