Friday, December 23, 2011

Charities give Christmas gift of water –

Clean, accessible water for the world's poor is one of the hottest causes of the season.

December donors who open their hearts and wallets will send millions of dollars flowing to villages and urban slums in Africa, South Asia and Central America.

And, drop by drop, lives are changed. Countless children are spared killer waterborne diseases. Countless women are spared backbreaking hours fetching water in 40-pound, 5-gallon plastic jugs.

There are dozens of water-focused charities touted on websites, in Christmas-themed catalogs and at social events such as a sold-out, celebrity-packed Manhattan charity ball last week.

STORY: Donations back up after recession decline
COLUMN: Giving with social entrepreneurship
They've honed the message — water is critical to health and social and economic development for nearly 900 million people — in a way that it can compete for urgent attention with hunger, malaria, HIV/AIDS and refugee aid.

Charities give Christmas gift of water –

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