Thursday, December 15, 2011

5 Practical Ways to Incorporate QR Codes into Your Marketing Plan |

Link QR codes to unique content. — While many QR codes may drive visitors to a website or catalog, one of the most effective tools is to drive visitors to special pages.

"I have seen many QR codes where people are just driven to information that they can get on your homepage. If you are a music writer and want people to see your show, use your QR code to provide information on your show, not just your homepage," Williams said.

Williams has noticed that some of the most effective types of unique content are videos or specific sales.

"I really like the pages that enhance the catalog or the direct mail piece that I received. I don't want something that takes me to the website of the catalog I'm holding. The QR code should enhance your experience," Williams said.

5 Practical Ways to Incorporate QR Codes into Your Marketing Plan |

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