Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Garbage Police? Webcam in Trashcan Checks Recycling Performance

Five households have signed up for a Newcastle University program announced Wednesday that puts photographs of every item placed in a garbage can on Facebook in a bid to raise consciousness about recycling efforts.

It uses a sensor and a camera phone to record the image each time the garbage can lid is shut. The person who does that is not photographed.

Households that participate will be rated on how efficiently they recycle.

"Normally when you throw something away and the lid goes down you forget about it -- out of sight out of mind -- and that's the end of it," said Anja Thieme, one of the postgraduate students in charge of the project. "But the reality could not be further from the truth. Waste has a massive environmental impact."

She said the program is not designed to humiliate people who recycle poorly but to make people reflect on how they dispose of waste. Read More

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