Monday, April 25, 2011

MSPIFF PRESENTS: The greatest @MorganSpurlock interview you've ever heard | Twin Cities Daily Planet

I spoke with Spurlock at the Hyatt hotel—one of the sponsors of the film—in downtown Minneapolis. Spurlock handed me a card-key with himself appearing on the card-key, and said the Minneapolis Hyatt was the first one he saw with the new key-card. We spoke briefly before the interview about The Simpsons, which last year he directed the 20th anniversary special of, and we talked about the episode where Homer goes to Clown College and how he was driving to work and realized that it was "New Billboard Day" with all new advertisements, that got him interested in going to Clown College. The first question I asked Spurlock, since we were at the Hyatt, was how his evening was at the Hyatt—now better known as "the greatest hotel you'll ever stay at."

MSPIFF PRESENTS: Press the play button below to listen to the Podcast interview.

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