Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Taranta cooks up tasty ideas for scanning #QR Code

at the Fairmont Copley Plaza’s Celebrity Chefs Culinary Program on Saturday, he used edible squid ink to screen-print a plate with a QR code. The code linked to a Taranta Web page listing the ingredients and recipes for the dishes that he prepared. But not all onlookers immediately grasped the technology.

“I had to repeat myself three times: ‘Scan this code with your (smartphone), and you will have the recipes,’ ” Duarte said. “But I think things are going to change and, probably in a year, 80 percent of the people will know what it is.”

But though Duarte sees QR codes as an eco-friendly, revolutionary way to share information with customers, don’t expect to see them on plates at Taranta on a regular basis.

Taranta cooks up tasty ideas for scanning code -

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