Wednesday, January 12, 2011

#QR Code Eats Into Organic Food Co-Op In Port Townsend

As enthusiastic as people are about the ever-expanding realm of technology, there are many others everywhere in the world who has a growing interested in eating healthily, using locally grown organic food. Just take a look around you. Organic food providers are popping up everywhere because of the increasing demand for simple yet nourishing, delicious organically-grown food.

But that is not what we are talking about today (for obvious reasons). The news about Port Townsend Food Co-op's leap into technology raised a few eyebrows amongst us. Of course, any of us are not technically surprised by the news of how they plan to educate consumers about the growing and marketing of organic food around the ideas but merely pleasantly surprised by how immersed they are with the technology citing that online social media tools and mobile phone technology can be used to educate people about eating healthily. (Read More)

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