Thursday, January 27, 2011

#Qr Code Adoption – there is no tipping point QR Arts

What is to prevent you from using QrCodes tomorrow?

How can you not afford to make your print campaigns measurable and interactive?

How many scans does it take for a campaign to be considered effective?

What are you waiting for ?

People often make the mistake of thinking that everyone needs to have a smartphone or investing in this campaign is not a good investment. Aside from what ROI metrics or KPIs you have, if you can get enough of the right people to carry through your targeted call to action via barcodes, that’s game changing. What would Pareto’s rule (80/20) say about QR? With all the noise and media channels marketing agencies put out, if you can get one person to complete one call to action while you have their attention for 20 seconds – thats a success. Mobile is not like other mediums. If you are able to connect with your fans and allow them to have a great mobile experience, there is the possibility that a brand can form an impression-not just another passing moment. A meaningful memory rather then a moment perhaps. (Read More)

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